Lady Gaga and Beyonce premiered their "Telephone" video Thursday night and everyone went insane. Next-to-nude women dancing in prison cells, making out, and... murdering people? Several music free, acting scenes featuring Gaga, Beyonce, or Gaga and Beyonce preceded, interrupted, or concluded the main feature- the song "Telephone." At one point, Gaga sported a leopard-print body suit while cat dancing in front of a truck, proving that animal print is coming back in a hard way. Isn't that what Hemma advised when featured as guest stylists in April's Essence Magazine premier of the 2010 collection? Foresight is the key to success.
Do you think Gaga's overtly sexual and borderline violent themes are too much or too fun?
Hemma creates fresh, elegant collections using authentic hand-woven Kente, a textile rich in African royal tradition. Kente began to flourish in West Africa in the 17th century and still remains prominent representing social prestige, luxury, and cultural sophistication. Each garment is uniquely handmade from intricately hand-woven Kente imported from Ghana. By incorporating the same techniques used to dress Ghanaian nobility for centuries, Hemma allows each client to exude royalty. By investing in quality pieces that last a lifetime, the lives of Ghanaian school children are also impacted. A percentage of all proceeds will be donated to a West African middle school where the designers instructed classes.
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